Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Saskatoon Blossoms

I am excited to be able to witness the growing scene of SK. There is are incredible people in these parts, and it seems as though they are all meeting up and collaberating. I am particularly excited about these following groups:

Slow Down Molasses - Just released their new collection of "sad bastard songs", entitled "I'm An Old Believer"
The Sheepdogs - Are working on great new material, they have a new recording on their myspace called "Soldier Boy"
Jill Laflamme/Angela Guenther = Little Spoon (Amazing new collaberation between the two)
Shuyler Jansen - Is putting out a new album (worked with producer combo JC/DC in Van City)
The Swindlers - This PA crew has been doing their thing for years, and are now introducing their new recordings to all of you.

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